czwartek, 3 listopada 2016

Katy Evans - Mr. President

“They called him prince when his father was alive, now he’s about to take the king’s throne.”

Published: 31.10.2016

Createspace IPP

Pages: 280

Read: 02.11.2016

Rating: !4 presidential stars!

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce that I’m officially running for President of the United States of America.” 

W dobie kampanii prezydenckiej w USA (a właściwie już jej finiszu), książka Katy Evans wpisuje się jak ulał. 
Matt walcząc z legendą ojca i chcą pójść w jego ślady, kontynuować jego dziedzictwo, postanawia ubiegać się o stanowisko prezydenta jako kandydat indywidualny, nie zrzeszony z żadną partią. Niektórym wydaje się to pomysłem od razu straconym, jednak Matt jest młody, pełny pomysłów, gotowy i chętny do zmian, których potrzebuje jego kraj. W kampanii do białego domu pomaga mu uzdolniona grupa ludzi. Wśród nich jest jedna ważna dla Matta osoba - Charlotte, dziewczyna, którą poznał, gdy ta miała 11 lat. Jej ojciec senator gościł u siebie na obiedzie ówczesnego prezydenta oraz jego syna. Tak też Charlotte i Matt spotkali się po raz pierwszy. Cała historia ma swój początek w tym spotkaniu oraz w liście z podziękowaniami, który mała Charlotte napisała do Matta, obiecując mu, że jeśli pewnego dnia będzie chciał zostać prezydentem, Charlotte z chęcią podejmie się pomocy w jego kampanii. I takim sposobem ta dwójka spotkała się po raz kolejny. 

"-Why aren't you married yet, anyway? 
-I'm waiting for her to grow up."

Historia przedstawiona w tej pozycji to dosyć klasyczny hollywoodzki romans. On - pierwszy playboy Ameryki i ona - słodka córka senatora. To opowieść o rodzącym się uczuciu osób, którym nie jest pisane być razem, a przynajmniej czas jest nieodpowiedni. Wszystkie ich schadzki narażone są na wybuchnięcie skandalu, który zagrozi kandydaturze na prezydenta. A tego oboje nie chcą.  

Poza tym, że jest to głównie współczesny romans, nie można nie odnaleźć ciekawych aspektów politycznych.  Autorka podała nam naprawdę dobry pomysł na prowadzenie kampanii wyborczej. Brak nudnych sloganów wyborczych i system alfabetu - poprawa wszystkich aspektów kraju od A do Z. 
A - Arts, 
B - Bureaucracy, 
C - Culture, 
D - Debt, 
E - Education, 
F - Foreign relations policies... 

Interesujące. Right?!

"We've met with hundreds of thousands of people. You get to see all the varieties, all the ethnicities that now make up Americans. You get to see courage, suffering, hope, politeness, rudeness, anger, despair - all of that is America. Sadness is when you don't listen to those in pain until they're crying. You don't listen to those suffering because sometimes they're the ones most silent."

Książka ma tylko 280 stron, czyta się ją szybko, ale nie jest to standalone. 11 stycznia można oczekiwać tomu drugiego. Część pierwsza nie kończy się jakimś znaczącym cliffhangerem, można domyśleć się, jak potoczą się losy bohaterów. Sam tytuł tomu drugiego - Commander in Chief - daje dużą podpowiedź. I oczywiście, warto wspomnieć, że w moim przekonaniu, nie jest to historia z happy endem. Przynajmniej nie na razie. 

Katy Evans można śledzić tu:

wtorek, 1 listopada 2016

"Love hard, love fierce but love right"


Blog Tour & Review

Title: Lucas – A Preston Brothers Novel

Author: Jay McLean

Release Day: November 1, 2016





In a sprint, every millisecond counts.
When you're waiting for love, those milliseconds can feel like eons.
High school senior Lucas Preston has it all: star of the track team, a scholarship waiting for him, an apartment to himself and a revolving door of girlfriends. He also has an older sister, five younger brothers and a father who relies on him to make sure those brothers don't kill each other.
His saving grace? Lois "Laney" Sanders, a girl he started to fall in like with when he was just eleven.
A girl who became his best friend, his confidant, his courage.
It took only sixteen clicks and eight seconds for Lucas to realize that his like for Laney had turned into love.
Eight life-changing seconds.
It's also the exact length of time it took to lose her.






Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult Romance, and most of all, procrastinator. When she's not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, playing house and binge watching Netflix.
She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.
Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in a forever half-done home where music is loud and laughter is louder.


Jay Mclean - Lucas /ARC in exchange for honest review/

"To want to be someone's hero when they're faced wwith villains. To want to be the one who saves them. To be their wonderwall."

Published: 01.11.2016

Pages: 373

Read: 23.10.2016

Rating: !!!5 fucking stars!!!

Reading something which nearly everybody said will be wonderful is really hard. Cause, I know Jay Mclean is astonishing writer, but what if this piece it's not that amazing? What if I'll be disappointed?
So, I started reading Lucas and read it very, very slowly. And you know what? I was wrong. It was prologue and I already knew that this one will be something else. Something better.

I tell myself, it can't be bad story if it's story about Lucy's brother. Cause, you know, Lucy was freaking awesome, so Lucas has to be alike. And he is. Lucas is absolutely marvelous hero. Such a beautiful, romantic soul in incredible hot body. I loved him from the very beginning to the very end. He adored his family, took care of his younger brothers, was good friend, helped everyone who needs him, he took live very seriously. Maybe he made some insignificant mistakes, but who doesn't. He wasn't perfect, but none of us is. And that makes him human. And that's why I love characters created by Jay, cause they're real.

And Lois, she's just a good girl. You know that saying „bad things don't happen to good people”. Yeah, it's a lie. Also, they say, everything happens for a reason. Guess what! Another lie.
Because why some people in they twisted minds think that they have rights to take something for someone, without permission.

Statistics say that 1 out of every 6 women has been the victim of an attempted or completed assault. 54% of this are never reported to the police. That's horrifying. So, for all those women I wanna say – it's not your fault. The only one responsible is the person who chose to abuse you. You'll get through this, cause you are survivor, not a victim.

I love that books written by Jay apart of the romance and great story also have this things very important for young people's lives, like bullying, first love, family issues, abuse, addictions. All of this makes this books not only a beautiful story to read, but also a message – after all horrible things you've been through, someday it'll get better.

Ok, enough with this significant stuff, let's go straight to something cheerful.
Oh, man, there was a lot of it.
Of course, Operation Mayhem! Middle School version but, WTF Jay, how you come up with this shit? It's so awesome that my face still hurts from smiling all the time. Even when I think about it right now, I'm smiling. Thank You for that. You made my day.
Also we have opportunity to learn more about Preston family. And I have to say that all boys are a little bit crazy. Don't mean it in the bad way, but each one of them has
own incredible personality. And OMG!! Lachlan is the best. His vocabulary… wow!, so hilarious.

Before “Lucas” I thought Lucy was my favourite person, but right now Lucas also has this title. So, yeah, Lucy and Lucas are my heroes. They all are beautifully broken and perfectly imperfect.

I had huge expectations and it is freaking awesome that I wasn't disappointed, cause Jay writing literally touched my soul. I smiled, cried, few times have been emotional wreck, but in the end I was happy. So allow yourself to be emotional for over 300 pages, and read this book.

I can't recommend enough.

I can honestly say that I am obsessed with Jay Mclean and her writing. And I'm proud of it.
Since February '15 when I touched "More Than This" for the first time, I was in love. And still am.

You can stalk Jay McLean here: